-I'm blind! I'm blind, Al!
-I'm blind, I'm blind! I can't see!
-What do you mean?
-What do you mean, what do I mean?
-Like the guys inthe street with dark glasses and accordions.
-Well, are youtrying?
-Al, you can't try to see.
-You look around and you see or you don't see. I don't see.
-How can you be blind? -Howthe hell do I know?
-Al, I'm scared!
-What did you eat?
-What'sthe difference what I ate?
-You can't lose your vision from aplate of tofu!
-I never heard of this.
-I did. Remember the actor Harvey Gates?
-He lost his vision suddenly.
--From what? -Grapefruit.
-He had atumor the size of a grapefruit on his brain.
-And he went blind?
-Yes, he went blind. And a few months later, he went dead...
...which is worse than blind, 'cause your options decrease.
-Relax. You don't have abraintumor.
-Al, with all due respect...
-...let me hear that from someone who went to abetter medical school...
...than William Morris.
-We'll get youto Dr. Mason. You still use him, right?
-No, Mason dropped dead onthe treadmill. I use Koch.
-I use Koch, too. Did you bump into anything? Fall? Bonk your head?
-I didn't bump my head. I have abrain tumor, that'sthe story here!
-The end is in sight! I see the wall!
-I thought you couldn't see.
-It's an expression! I don't actually mean I see a wall.
-It's in my mind's eye!
-I remember when Ellie and I took youto the hospital...
-...because you were convinced you had hoof and mouth disease.
-Oh, God, Ellie. If I die, Al...
-...tell Ellie I'm sorry I saidthose thingsto her. I saidterrible things.
-I called her all kinds of names.
-Probably because I never stopped loving her.
-You're not dying.
-If I don't die, tell her she's atramp!
-She's living with a guy, the best you can say about him...
...is sometimes he returns phone calls!
Πέμπτη, Αυγούστου 06, 2009
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